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Tag Archives: Artifact
Abigail Phelps-Life Lessons from Artifact Photography
In my time at the university’s archaeology lab, I’ve learned just how diversified archaeology work can be. While a lot of lab work is computer-based, including research and data entry, some lab work is very hands-on. Although I was familiar … Continue reading
Posted in Laboratory Aides, Laboratory Happenings
Tagged Abigail Phelps, Artifact, Laboratory, photography
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Abigail Phelps-If at First You Don’t Succeed: Type, Type Again!
An archaeological lab can be a fascinating place to work. Much of my time in lab has been spent taking heaps of dirty, unidentified artifacts from an excavation and making them clean, labeled, and carefully stored. In the midst of … Continue reading
Posted in Laboratory Aides, Laboratory Happenings, Nomini Plantation
Tagged Abigail Phelps, Artifact, Nomini Plantation, UMW
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Olivia Larson- Hard Work and Self Medication on a Jim Crow Era Farm
When viewing an artifact for the first time, often it looks like nothing too special. However, after further investigation (and a lot of cleaning) something that once appeared insignificant can create an interesting story. One such artifact is a small … Continue reading
Daphne Ahalt – Meritorious Artifacts
It continues to amaze me how broken and dirty artifacts excavated from an archaeological site can reveal details of the people, manufacturing techniques and material culture of a time long past. I recently had the opportunity to analyze two non-mendable … Continue reading
Eric Dorman – Stone Tool Making: A Cooler Process Than You Think
A few days back, I had the great experience of being in a session that included a hands-on activity in flint knapping, the process of making stone tools. By participating in the flint knapping demonstration, I learned about the arduous … Continue reading
Posted in Laboratory Happenings
Tagged Archaeology, Artifact, Eric Dorman, Experimental Archaeology, Historic Preservation, Laboratory, UMW
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Daphne Ahalt: Fabulous Finds – Discovering Artifacts in the Archaeological Lab, Part One
Fall classes have started and I’m back in the Archaeology Lab learning and working with the artifacts that were recently excavated during Field School (see other blog posts by Joey Savino and myself for more about our experiences). Since returning, … Continue reading