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Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given in /home/laurenkm/ Stack trace: #0 /home/laurenkm/ count(false) #1 /home/laurenkm/ TwitterFeed\CtfFeed->getTweetSetHtml() #2 /home/laurenkm/ ctf_init(Array, '', 'custom-twitter-...') #3 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #4 /home/laurenkm/ preg_replace_callback('/\\[(\\[?)(custom...', 'do_shortcode_ta...', '[custom-twitter...') #5 /home/laurenkm/ do_shortcode('[custom-twitter...') #6 /home/laurenkm/ CtfWidget->widget(Array, Array) #7 /home/laurenkm/ WP_Widget->display_callback(Array, Array) #8 /home/laurenkm/ dynamic_sidebar('primary-widget-...') #9 /home/laurenkm/ require_once('/home/laurenkm/...') #10 /home/laurenkm/ load_template('/home/laurenkm/...', true, Array) #11 /home/laurenkm/ locate_template(Array, true, true, Array) #12 /home/laurenkm/ get_sidebar() #13 /home/laurenkm/ include('/home/laurenkm/...') #14 /home/laurenkm/ require_once('/home/laurenkm/...') #15 /home/laurenkm/ require('/home/laurenkm/...') #16 {main} thrown in /home/laurenkm/ on line 1856
Tag Archives: Nomini Plantation
Abigail Phelps-If at First You Don’t Succeed: Type, Type Again!
An archaeological lab can be a fascinating place to work. Much of my time in lab has been spent taking heaps of dirty, unidentified artifacts from an excavation and making them clean, labeled, and carefully stored. In the midst of … Continue reading
Posted in Laboratory Aides, Laboratory Happenings, Nomini Plantation
Tagged Abigail Phelps, Artifact, Nomini Plantation, UMW
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