Tag Archives: Patawomeck

Abigail Phelps- Native Language: Reviving Patawomeck

Learning a second language doesn’t come easily to everyone. Memorizing grammar and vocabulary is often an intimidating task. But imagine trying to learn a language that has not been spoken for over one hundred years. This is precisely what Garry … Continue reading

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Shannon Bremer- CaMa CeskCaMei: The Revitalization of the Powhatan Language

CaMa CeskCaMei. Garry TaPaKo KwaNGaTaRask (Night Owl) began his lesson with this simple phrase. In the Powhatan language, it means “Greetings all friends.” While Garry Cooper, the language instructor from the Patawomeck Tribe, has become the main teacher of the … Continue reading

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Rick Altenburg- CaMa CeskCaMei: Reviving the Virginia Algonquin Dialect

The revival of the Virginia Algonquin dialect began in 2003 for the making of the film The New World. Director Terrence Malick wished to create an atmosphere as closely related to the historical encounters between Powhatans and the English. He … Continue reading

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Ethan Knick- A Living Thing Stuck in Time: The Revival of Virginia’s Native Algonquian Language

Until recently, scholars considered the language of Virginia Algonquin, or Powhattan, to be long dead. English colonizers who sought to suppress Powhattan culture, especially after the Second Anglo-Powhatan War of 1622 (Horn 2018:162), gradually stifled the language, eventually resulting in … Continue reading

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